Thursday 26 March 2015

Science & Tech - Acid/Base Lab Pictures

Science & Tech - Chemical Safety Research

  1. Mercury can be used to make thermometers, barometers and other scientific instruments. Mercury conducts electricity and is used to make silent, position dependent switches. 
     The inhalation of mercury vapour can produce harmful effects on the nervous, digestive and immune systems, lungs and kidneys, and may be fatal.
    Mercury can be handled safely by a professional chemist, although you should minimize or eliminate its use whenever possible. 
    Danger Corrosive & Danger Toxic 

Science & Tech - Safety Memes

Science & Tech - Unit 2 Transportation

Science & Tech - Interim Report

Work Habits:
My attendance is not the best, but when I am in class I don't arrive late and I have all my supplies with me. I would say 50 percent of the time I focus on my assignments and the other half I have trouble concentrating. When we are in the lab I always follow all the safety rules. 

Assignment Completion:
All of my assignments have been completed besides a lab I missed during class and the Chemisty project blog post.
The reason why I have not complete the Chemisty project is because it seems to be one of the hardest assignments we have been assigned.

Assignment Quality:
I believe I am showing my learning in all my assignments because all my marks are either a high B or an A. I am happy with the quality of my assignments. I would say my best assignment would be the WHMIS booklet because I got perfect on it. 

Plan For Success:
Three specific things that I need to work on would be using my class time effectively, attending class regularly, and paying full attention during class. 

Work Habit : Good

Science & Tech - Safety Symbols

Picture 1:
Caution Explosive 
Tire cleaner

Picture 2:
Caution Explosive
Spray Sunscreen 

Picture 3:
Caution Explosive
Carpet Cleaner

Picture 4:
Caution Explosive & Danger Poisionous
Tire Cleaner

Picture 5:
Caution Explosive
Spray Sunscreen

Picture 6:
Danger Flammable
Caution Explosive
Disinfectant Spray

Picture 7:
Danger Poisonous
Danger Flammable 
Caution Explosive

Picture 8:
Caution Explosive

Picture 9:
Danger Flammable
Bug Spray

Picture 10:
Danger flammable 

Part 2:
Empty aerosol cans are safe for the trash; Leftovers should be brought to your Household Hazardous Waste Collection Site
Empty cleaning products can be recycled or discarded with other household waste. Unused amounts of cleaning products can generally be safely disposed of down the drain or in the trash. That's not the case with all products found around the home. For those products that do require special handling, such as solvent-based paints, used motor oil and certain pesticides, household hazardous waste collection programs are an important resource
Chemicals in illegally disposed hazardous waste can be released into the environment and contaminate our air, water, soil, and possibly the food we eat, potentially causing serious health problems in humans and wildlife.

Science & Tech - Household Chemical Research

Air Freshner -

1. Glade
2. The active ingredient in Febreze is hydroxypropyl beta-cyclodextrin (HPβCD). 

3. BHT - Known as a neurotoxin, endocrine disruptor, immunotoxicity, non-reproductive organ system toxicity, skin eye and lung irritator 
Acetaldehyde - Known to cause cancer, toxic to reproduction and development, immunotoxin, non-reproductive organ system toxin, skin, eye and lung irritator

4. They contain volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) called 1,4 dichlorobenzene(1,4 DCB) which cause soil, groundwater, as well as air pollution. 

5. Air fresheners contain a variety of ingredients, some of which may be harmful if swallowed. They also may be irritating to some people. Use only in a well ventilated area. 

6. Use up the air freshener in its entirety before disposing. Recycle the empty vessel. If you have not used all of the air freshener, bring it to your local community collection center. 

7. Rather than masking odors with other, more potent odors, or disabling your sense of smell all together, there are ways to absorb unwanted odors. Sodium carbonate (otherwise known as baking soda) has been safely used as an odor sponge for generations with no known ill effects. There are also ways to employ specific types of charcoal products to scrub unwanted odors from indoor air. You