Thursday 26 March 2015

Science & Tech - Interim Report

Work Habits:
My attendance is not the best, but when I am in class I don't arrive late and I have all my supplies with me. I would say 50 percent of the time I focus on my assignments and the other half I have trouble concentrating. When we are in the lab I always follow all the safety rules. 

Assignment Completion:
All of my assignments have been completed besides a lab I missed during class and the Chemisty project blog post.
The reason why I have not complete the Chemisty project is because it seems to be one of the hardest assignments we have been assigned.

Assignment Quality:
I believe I am showing my learning in all my assignments because all my marks are either a high B or an A. I am happy with the quality of my assignments. I would say my best assignment would be the WHMIS booklet because I got perfect on it. 

Plan For Success:
Three specific things that I need to work on would be using my class time effectively, attending class regularly, and paying full attention during class. 

Work Habit : Good

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